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Blog 20- January Challenge

In January I did a photo/writing daily challenge and posted the outcome on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

Why? Well it’s fun and creative. I have learned some new skills and tackled technology I’d never used before, but also I did it to engage on social media and build my profile because I’ve written a book.

Currently it’s being beautifully edited by the very talented Sian-Elin Flint-Freel, who has been beyond supportive and enthusiastic about the whole process. Always there to encourage and rebuild my confidence on a bad writing day, offering advice but never allowing me to lose the essence of the story of Jane and Daniel.

So – has the process worked? Well not on Twitter that’s for sure, but FB yes, and Instagram – definitely. I now have almost 400 followers and many of them engaged throughout the month so thank you.

But which of the posts were my favourites and

1. January 8th – what are you most proud of today?

2. January 12th – writing goals.

3. January 17th – a moment in time.

4. January 24th – Sunday relaxation.

5. January 28th – weather

1. January 8th – what are you most proud of today?

I commented on the post that it can be something simple like – getting out of bed! Now for some people, during the anxious lockdown period, that’s not actually been a simple activity. It’s been a tough ask and dealing with the isolation, depression and economic fears on a daily basis can be hard. SO…. be proud of getting out of bed!

For me – I’m proud of the last 4 years since the summer of 2017. I’m proud that I survived the hardest time in my life while at the same time creating a website and a blog and writing a novel. All 85,000+ words which hopefully (soon) an agent will love and want to publish.

2. January 12th – writing goals. Goals are vital in life and especially as a writer. Some people need to have a daily/weekly word count. Some of my followers set the goal of writing at least something every day. Many of us have written something we think is important and needs to be ‘out there’ in a book form.

For me – I have 2 goals right now – the first – you’ll be surprised to hear (NOT) is that I want to find an agent – did I mention that already? The second – I’ve started to write another novel. I’ve made a plan, I’ve done some research, I’ve created my characters and given them lives and loves and feelings and I’ve started to write. It’s very early stages at the moment and some of the scenes have been difficult to write, given the topic, but slowly, each day I am moving forward and I’m excited.

3. January 17th – one moment in time. I posted an extract from the book – because if Jane hadn’t have been there – at that moment in time – she may never have met Daniel.

Chapter 1:

Bought and paid for, my new purchase is safely in my bag, and I hurry to leave the book shop, impatient to read more. As I reach for the handle, the front door of the shop opens abruptly. I jump back and let out a quiet yelp of surprise, quickly withdrawing my hand. Looking up, the most amazing green eyes are smiling at me.

“I’m sorry – you ok?” he apologises.

“Yes. Yes. I’m fine.” I turn away, conscious that I might be staring at him.

“You sure?”

“Yes! Really, I’m alright.” Flustered now. Leave me alone. “You surprised me, that’s all!” I glance up again, feeling the heat rising up my neck. His face is handsome in an unconventional way: a few laughter lines around his eyes, his goatee and moustache flecked with a little grey, as is his hair, cut short. I avert my eyes, mumble something inane and leave the bookshop.

Out on the pavement (or sidewalk, as the locals would say here in Cape Cod), where it somehow feels much cooler, I take a deep breath and then another and, without looking behind me, I return to my room to page 4 and beyond.

4. January 24th – Sunday Relaxation. I never used to be a coffee drinker (Thanks Ruth!) but now I find there’s nothing more relaxing than a coffee in a café with a quiet mood and a good friend to share it with. I know that we can’t do that right now due to lockdown, but we can travel through our memories and visit places we love and remember coffee with friends.

5. January 28th – Weather. I love weather. Sorry but it’s true. I even love watching the weather forecast on the BBC. Sad or what?! This winter we have had a lot of snow and I have learned to appreciate it’s silent beauty, mainly because I know I do not have to venture outside, go to work or drive the car (so there are blessings to lockdown). I love watching a thunderstorm and would like to see a tornado (though I understand the havoc they wreck upon communities).

For me – the best weather in the sunshine and the warmth of a summer’s day. The heat on your skin and sand beneath your feet. Sigh!



Feel free to reach out and share your thoughts with me. Your feedback means a lot!

Thank You for Reaching Out!

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